Information courtesy of Office of Northern Australia – March 2019 |
GDP 10.7% of Australia’s GDP in 2016–17 $187 billion of Australia’s GDP in 2016–17 Source: Calculations by the Office of the Chief Economist based on various data sources. EMPLOYMENT 644,100 persons employed Source: ABS, Labour Force, Australia, Detailed INCOME $63 585 annual income – $1322 above Australian average Source: ABS, Estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas, 2011-2016 |
POPULATION 1.3 million 5.2% of the Australian population Notes and source: ABS, Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2017-18 LAND 53% of Australia’s land mass Notes and source: ABS, Australian Statistical Geography Standard (cat. no. 1270.0). INDIGENOUS ESTATE 78% of northern Australia subject to Indigenous interests Notes and source: National Native Title Tribunal |
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